Trophyline Saddles
Greg C. Moriates

Greg C. Moriates

Owner of Train Hunt Eat

Three Benefits of Saddle Hunting

by Train Hunt Eat


  • Saddle hunting for whitetail deer seems to be all the rage the last two to five years.  However, it should be known that saddle hunting is not new.  With Trophyline’s first inception in 1961, the Green family took the hunting community by storm and the Tree Saddle rapidly became a family sporting tradition generation ahead of its’ time.    

How has the hunting world changed in the 1960’s?  We saw wood build stands, blinds made from all types of materials, steel stands, aluminum stands, lock-on’s, ladders, climbers, saddles, etc.   However, there is a growing trend in the saddle hunting industry.  Why is there a trend in saddle hunting?  Is it just a new(er) fad such as the portable mirror blinds? 

At Train Hunt Eat we believe that saddle hunting is here to say and this why:

Three Benefits of Saddle Hunting

  • Portability: I don’t know about you, but every time I have a climber on my back in an area that I have not properly scouted, I sit in a spot, look around and then I start looking around.  The first question that comes from me is “That spot, 100 yards to my left looks like a better spot.”  You head down the tree, make a ton of noise with metal clanging.  Put the stand back on your back.  Get to another area and find that none of the trees work for the climber.  Now with a saddle, the saddle is still part of your clothes.  One to four sticks and two ropes.  That simple.  No metal-on-metal contact.  The only tree that is an issue is a overly large tree.  However, that is a problem for climbers also.  Therefore, portability is a benefit of saddle hunting.
  • Light Weight and CompactLight and compact. I am not going to compare weight.  However, a saddle is lighter and more compact than a climber. Of course, you will likely state facts to prove me wrong.  Then I will counter with the fact that a climber gets caught on every stick and brush as the stand extends past your shoulders. 
  • QuietFabric saddle, ropes, some carabiners, hoist rope, maybe a bow holder, backpack. Really nothing that will make that much noise.  I find that getting up a tree in a climber or ladder stand makes more noise.  The only quieter stand is a blind or lock-on.  However, a blind is apples and oranges.  A lock-on does not have the portability of a saddle.

Portability, lightweight, compact, and quiet.  All the benefits to switching to a saddle today.  Give it a go, you may find that being in a saddle will allow you to get in that tree closer to your honey hole then you ever were able to do. 

If you are interested in a discount from Trophyline Saddles, send us an email at

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